The KNX Devices page lists all your downloaded devices. You can only access downloaded devices when you work on your project.
You can add more devices to the list by clicking on +Add Devices (upper right corner).
Favourite the devices which you use regularly. To favourite a device, check the corresponding box in the list furthest to the left. You can then filter the menus on the Drawing Board by favourite devices.

When selecting a device from the Online Catalog the device data is automatically filled into the device information below. Before downloading the device you can change any information.
We recommend taking the time to add an Order Code, Programming Time and Selling Price as this information is unique to your company.
When you are done, click Save to return to the KNX Devices page or click Save and Continue to add another device.

If the device you are looking for isn’t in the Online Catalog, you can add it yourself. To add a new device, open the Online Catalog and scroll down to the General Information section. The fields should be empty when you start. You can use this article on Device Details as a guide for filling in the information.
[Note: if you can’t find the device in the Online Catalog, you can contact the support so that we can fix it or you could also create the device yourself from scratch by filling in the information and even adding a product picture. For more about the device information see the Device Details page below.]

If you want to have a local copy of your device database to have a backup or to transfer it to another system click Export and set the file format according to your system requirements. A csv-file will be created to store on your computer.
To import devices press Import, set the right file format and select the csv-file on your computer. Import Update is to update devices which are already in the database.
[NOTE: When you press Test Import you are able to test whether the format of your import file is correct without the risk of doing damage to your device database.]
Tags: add device, device database, device details, devices, drawing board, export devices, import devices, online catalog